Archive of 2020 March:


As you can probably guess it was going to happen, all of Karyn’s upcoming concerts in the soon future are cancelled due to the Corona virus.

We’ll reschedule where we can. And we’d love to find out more about online concerts. If anyone has expertise in that area and could share info, please contact us at Thanks!

Meanwhile, wishing you a safe and healthy – if quiet – spring.

xox Karyn and crew.


Ahhh. Dang. Another concert bites the dust.

After much teeth gnashing, Jack Devaney and I have decided that the current situation regarding Covid-19 takes precedence over our wee cozy warm concert.

Our Micropop Week show that was to happen on Sunday March 22 @ KHP Atelier is CANCELLED.

We wish you all good health and quiet respite this spring. See you again soon!