Archive of 2013 April:


Good times here in Glasgow, Scotland! A week full of shows and being treated to warm Scottish hospitality. Things have been going so smashingly that I’ve been invited to play two more shows while I’m here in Scotland: the new shows are both next Wednesday May 9. I’ll be at The Basement Coffee House in Ayr in the afternoon, then McSorley’s in Glasgow that night. I’ll add more details as soon as I get my hands on them. And of course, we’re still on for May 12th at The Bungalow in Paisley.

Meanwhile check out snapshots from this first week in Glasgow on my Facebook page.


MORE THAN A HERO goes to the manufacturer tomorrow!!!!
Last call to include your name in the liner notes is tonight, 9pm EST. Click HERE…


Although it’s been quiet here on the news front, there has definitely been flurry of activity going on behind the scenes… you may remember that I commissioned Edmonton artist, Justina Smith, to paint original pieces for the album artwork. The paintings arrived a few days ago, and today I’m picking them up from the digital scanning house. But here is a sneak preview of the new album cover!!!!!!!!


This week we are finishing up liner notes and all that sort of stuff so that the album can head off to the manufacturer early next week.

So if you have been meaning to back the album, but haven’t quite had a moment to do it… THIS IS THE MOMENT! Join the over 120 backers whose awesomeness is immortalized in the liner notes and on the WALL OF AWESOME and get an early release copy of the album later this spring, months before the album goes public in October.

CLICK: to find to the paypal links.

This album sounds seriously amazing! I am so proud of all the wonderful musicians and artists who have made this record happen. You’re going to want this one. :)