Archive of 2012 December:


Last few dates of my tour here in Europe… What *excellent fun* this tour is so far. Such warm welcomes from everyone at my shows, and my hosts have been amazing and beyond generous.

The tour wraps up on Saturday, but there are still a few more opportunities to catch my live show before I head back to Canada. Tonight in Basel, Switzerland. Tomorrow, I’m back in Zurich. Friday, I head to Biel. Then, it’s Dusseldorf in Germany on Saturday for one final show before I fly home Sunday morning.

*Schedule update* You may have noticed that the Solingen show is missing. Unfortunately, we had to cancel that one due to some routing issues. Good news is that I have confirmed a show in Dusseldorf for that night instead.

Full details here:


Quickest post in the world (for me, that is) because I only have a few minutes more of wifi at this cafe in Zurich! Yes… I’m in Zurich!

Half way, and the tour is super fun so far!
There have been a couple of changes to the itinerary, so check out the updates!

First Zurich show is tomorrow night (Thurs Dec 6) at La Catrina. Other shows in Basel, Zurich & Biel. Hope to see you soon!

Okay… no time to proof read, so I hope this reads okay! :)