Archive of 2012 July:


Oh my goodness! We had our first day in the studio today, and the band is AWESOME! I am seriously freaked in a wonderful way with how beautiful their (collective/individual) playing is. My little ditties are turning into full out POP SONGS (little ol’ folkie me, go figure.) Trying to go with it, and not get scared by how gloriously big the sound has become. Because it is exactly right. Wow.

Who is this dream team? Brian Kobayakawa on bass, James Robertson on electric guitars, Gary Craig on drums and Don Kerr behind the console at The Rooster in Toronto pulling us all together. Like… seriously??! *pinch pinch*

Speaking of Gary making the beats,

Image of Gary Craig playing the chair on Cosmic Cowboy

(Only had the camera on my phone with me, so didn't take studio snaps today. Except this one: Gary Craig playing the chair on Cosmic Cowboy.)

We tracked two songs today, and we’ve really only just started. It’s still a long ways away till this album is done ~ but *ooooh* I can’t wait to share these recordings with you!


I’m on the train heading to Toronto (my homebase during this 5 1/2 week excursion from BC) after another weekend of super fun shows. I can’t believe the tour is already pretty much wrapped up but for a couple more shows this week/end.

* A song or two at Evalyn Parry’s Cameron House show this Thursday, 6pm to 8pm. I didn’t even add this one to my listings, because I’m more going to go hear her play than play myself. She’s awesome. You should go!

* Then, a house concert in Hamilton on Saturday the 21st featuring moi solo! Full 2-set concert. The evening is hosted by a lovely guy, who I met during the social media blogging challenge this winter. Send me an email – – if you’re interested in attending, and I’ll put you in contact with Tom (the host) for reservations/directions.

Before then, though, I’ll be spending the next couple of days of resting, because I head into the studio on WEDNESDAY! Woot! That’s right! We’re talking the very beginnings of the album, but folks… it’s on its way!


My heart leapt a little (okay… a LOT!) when I saw this cymbal playing monkey on the cash register at Taloola’s Cafe in Windsor Ontario…

Image of Little Cymbal Playing Monkey on Taloola's Cash Register


If you are in the Windsor area this afternoon (Friday July 6th) at 5pm, tune into 97.5 fm to hear Karyn interviewed live on The Bridge, Windsor’s Afternoon show on CBC Radio 1. You can also listen online (scroll down to the Radio 1 icon just under the navigation tabs.)


Here is an interview I did with Allison Brown from, the online arts & community newspaper in Windsor.

Click the link to read the article online: Karyn Ellis takes to the Taloola stage Friday ~ By Allison Brown



First stop, Toronto (July 4th). Then London (July 5th), Windsor (July 6th), St. Catharines (July 7th), Guelph (July 8th), Peterborough (July 12th), Ottawa (July 13th), Kingston (July 14th), Hamilton (July 21st).

Visit my tour page for details about the shows, how to reserve seats, etc…