

Resting up today after a fabulous weekend at Artswells Festival. I feel like I am still wandering in dream state after so much music and campfire and intensely beautiful conversations and hugs and musician-to-musician love. Now I am spending a quiet day eating pancakes and drinking coffee and catching up on emails and blog posts.

I am a lover of festivals in general and Artswells is particularly special to my heart. Four years ago I attended my first one (this year marked their 10th year anniversary), and I keep getting drawn back – I even moved to the area to live for two years because the sense of community is so deliciously strong that I wanted to soak in it for longer than a weekend. It was here in the Cariboo where I sat on a porch and wrote a bunch of songs for the new album.

This year – as always – there were so many highlights and deeply moving experiences (along with silliness and NOT much sleep) that to put in in words would probably turn this into an extraordinarily long list song and I’m thinking I’d be better to rest my voice for tomorrow’s show at Rolla’s (see the post above for details about that.) So let me instead glow silently as I rest up my weary body. I will share with you one image I found posted on Facebook from a particularly touching moment to me… singing Be My Girl with the full choir arrangement during my Saturday afternoon set:

That’s Trina, George, Annie, Allyson and Sarah to my stage left “ooooohing” it up. (Patrick and Daniel are singing too, just out of frame on the other side.) Photo Credit: Shadowbox Images

Thank you, Artswells and all who were there, for bolstering my musical soul and returning my sense of wonder. xox k

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