Archive of 2014 February:


Karyn heads back to the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland this March & April bringing along her brand new album, More Than A Hero.

See Related Post for more details.


Would you like to attend a Home Routes house concert?

Sometimes on the road, especially when you are traveling in a northern place in the winter, you run into a blizzard that means you have to cancel a show last minute. Well, I have run into a blizzard of sorts… I was struck down by a wretched cold.

My voice demands that I take time to rest and so it is with great regret that I had to cancel Thursday and Friday’s performances.

I am playing in Whitehorse again this weekend so hopefully those of you who were coming out tonight can make it then. And by then I should be right as rain!

The communities where I’m playing as part of the Yukon Trail Home Routes Living Room Concert Series:

Sun Feb 2 – Whitehorse
Tue Feb 4 – Marsh Lake
Wed Feb 5 – Atlin, BC

Thur Feb 6 – Whitehorse – canceled due to Karyn’s cold
Fri Feb 7 – Haines Junction – canceled due to Karyn’s cold
Sat Feb 8 – Mary Lake
Sun Feb 9 – Whitehorse – host had to cancel
Mon Feb 10 – Pelly Crossing
Tues Feb 11 – Mayo
Wed Feb 12 – Dawson City
Thur Feb 13 – Old Crow

*** We are trying to squeeze in one last make up show on Sat Feb 15 in Whitehorse! Update about whether that’s happening coming very soon! ***


Many of these shows are open to the public, so if you’d like to see a show contact the Home Routes office! They will connect you with a concert in your area. For ticket information, email or telephone 1-866-925-6889

Let us know:

• What community you live in (so we can triangulate the nearest show to you)
• Number of tickets
• Your phone number

If you have any trouble reaching them, you can try Karyn as well: