Archive of 2013 January:


Turn on images to see a photo of Mixing at the Rooster

Sent the first finished mix to the mastering person today. This thing just got real!!!

Next week is our last in-studio days, so if you want in at the Swan level or higher and see your own name in hand-doodled print in a photo taken at the studio… you need to back the album by February 8th! (Pre-orders with or without lyrics books continues until the album goes to the manufacturer at the end of February.)



I’m back from a cabin in the woods of northern Ontario where I spent five days huddled by a woodstove bringing in the new year in countryside silence, full of stars.

I’m in Toronto again at The Rooster for a couple more weeks to (fingers crossed) finally finish up the tracking / mixing of More Than A Hero! Woo! Almost done!

If you haven’t done so already, become a backer of the album. Visit this page: By backing / pre-ordering, you’ll get your name in the liner notes, handwritten postcards and other thanks you treats. We’re just about at 100 backers now!

Also, while I’m in Toronto:
Next Sunday afternoon (January 13th) I’m playing at Amy Campbell’s “Month of Sundays at the Mascot”, Queen’s West Toronto. It’s an afternoon show: 2pm to 5pm, more of a songwriters’ workshop / collaborative thing. For details, see my live show listings here.

Turn on images to see a flyer for "A Month of Sundays at The Mascot"