Bird (is Love)

© Karyn Ellis and Tania Szablowski.

Love on the highway–no ride going my way.
Stuck out in this heat wave waiting for a drive away.
Overhead’s a bird-aye perched up in a birch tray.
Now that little bird-aye’s gone and fly away.

Fly away–
Bird is love is
Bird is love is

Love on a stop sign–waiting for a green light.
Got picked up in Actinolite; I’ve been up all night.
Over there’s a bird-aye perched up in that birch tray.
Spilled the cold dregs of my coffee on my knee.

On my knee–
Coffee’s love is
Coffee is love is

I’ve got no cash in pocket.
Got nowhere to go; got nothing to do.
I’m relying on the kindness of this
Strange afternoon.

On my knee–
Coffee’s love is
Coffee is love is

Love on the highway–no ride going my way.
Stuck out in this heat wave waiting for a drive away.
Overhead’s a bird-aye perched up in a birch tray.
Now that little bird-aye’s gone and fly away.

Fly away-
Bird is love is
Bird is love is
Bird is love is
Bird is love is
Bird is love is
Bird is love is

Back to BIRD overview


  • Lisa says:

    This is the sweetest song ever! I heard it while playing a Hudson Quebec town website video. I had to track it down to find the singer with this beautiful voice! Hope you keep singing!

  • Karyn Ellis Herself says:

    Thank you, Lisa! I’m glad you found me. :)

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