High-five and Super Smoochesl!!!

Let’s show these people some love! These are the people who have been INSTRUMENTAL (pardon the pun!) in getting my music out into the world. Without their financial (not to mention emotional) support, there might not be Karyn Ellis albums & videos for you to enjoy.

Album Supporters: More Than A Hero

Over 125 people jumped in and backed the new album, More Than A Hero, coming out this October 2013. So many that they warrant their very own…
Wall of Awesome

Video Supporters: Bitter Grasses

Photo taken on the set of Bitter Grasses Video

Bruce Alpert, Lee Delaino, Joanna Gautam Talya (and baby bump, Abiella), David Flack, Jorg Fritz, Pam Havery, Peter Janes, Joshua Matthews, Judie Phillips and family, David Raithby and Sarah Walker! Special thanks, too, to James Paul and Diane Hamilton, for entrusting me to borrow their vintage stuff for the day of the shoot! Finally, this project was funded big part by FACTOR, thanks!

Album Supporters:
Even Though The Sky Was Falling

SLICKERS ‘n WADERS …and sponsors of their own song!

  • BEAUTY ~ Tania Szablowski, Diane Hamilton and Oscar Szablowski
  • BE MY GIRL ~ Ken Fraser
  • BITTER GRASSES ~ David Szablowski, Jeannie Samuel, Kai & Nikko Szablowski
  • EVEN THOUGH THE SKY WAS FALLING ~ Cheryl, Kim & the critters on Mole Hill
  • LITTLE GREY SPARROW ~ Graham Petit and Kenzie, Ian, Judie & John Phillips
  • LOW ~ Shannon Thompson
  • MOTORCYCLE RIDE ~ Julie and Jerzy Szablowski
  • NOT LOOKING FOR LOVE ~ Tania Anderson
  • SHOOTING STAR ~ John Harris
  • TEN STORIES ~ Heather Sheehan
    Evalyn Parry, Frank Mettner, Peter Janes, An anonymous friend from Hamilton, Joel Alo, Mary Neilans, Sam Au, Tasha, Elo & Jason, Neville & Elizabeth Shevloff
    Catherine Nomura, Jonathan Hoss, Sheila Banerjee & Ishwar Persad, Noah Goldstein, David Chu, Jenn Neufeld, Nancy Grieveson, Leah Morise, Ruth & Sydney Glatman, Teresa Weiss, Omer Yukseker
    Millicent & Owen Sharman, Amy Malachowski, George Botly, Mark Woolley, Tyler Brubaker, Tim & Tobi McCoy, D. Ross Fisher, Susan Wilkes, Sonya Allin, Dennis Biron, Amy Campbell, Yoni Shevloff, Suzanne Robertson, Carlos Gouveia, Carrie Regenstreif, David & Jackie Simpson, John Stephen, Amy Ito
    Thanks goes out, too, to Canada Council and FACTOR!

    Album Supporters: Hearts Fall

  • HEARTS FALL ~ Julie & Jerzy Szablowski
  • MOVIE ~ Tania Anderson
  • LOST ~ dedicated to Rob Newberry & the Staircase Theatre
  • RAIN ~ Carol, David Alivia, Cameron and Abbey
  • ANGELS IN SNOW ~ Shannon Thompson
  • ALREADY HOME ~ Alice Sheehan
  • SKIPPING STONES ~ tigergirl, bear, bun and banana
  • GREEN CHAIR ~ Caroline Hall & Kelly Sexsmith
  • ANOTHER SAD SONG ~ Kim & Cheryl
  • SUGAR BEET ~ Will Sheehan
  • Thanks goes out, again, to Canada Council!

    I think I remembered everyone… but if for some reason your name doesn’t appear here and it should, it is merely a reflection of my haphazard ways of making lists! Don’t be shy!! Let me know, and I will add you!
    If you are interested in adding your name to this awesome bunch of people, contact me at karyn@karynellis.com to find a project to contribute to.

    NEXT UP: NEW ALBUM 2012! New supporters welcome!


    • Brian Dietrich says:

      How does ‘supporters’ work ?

    • karynell says:

      Hi Brian!

      Basically the not-so-short answer is… the people on this friends page have supported me in making my albums and music video by pitching in financially to them.

      And it so happens I am about to embark on another fundraising campaign again soon… yep, I’m making another album! In fact, part of the reason I am coming to Toronto this summer is to go into the studio to start the recording process.

      I am inviting people such as yourself to become supporters at varying levels, depending on what you can afford / what appeals to you. As low as $5 to $10… then there are levels like, preordering a CD ($25)… getting your name in the liner notes ($50)… getting a one-of-a-kind photo taken in the studio ($80) … and upwards from there …$120… $250… $500… and more!

      It’s been a wonderful way to fundraise for my albums, inviting folks like you to essential become “patrons” of my project – to really get involved in making sure the album happens. If you want to be part of this friends page in the soon future, be sure to keep your eyes open for news! People on my mailing list will be getting their invitation very soon!

      Hope that answers your question!

    • Goran says:

      Dear Karyn,

      my name is Goran.

      I am from Wuppertal/ Germay (near of Düseldorf and Mettmann )and a big fan of you &your music !
      Since I saw&
      heard you the first time about
      four years before in Düsseldorf I thought many times about to invite you for a gig & host in my town.

      Is there a Chance?

      Many greetings

      Goran (m) and Sunny

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