Thank you for contributing to my album!
You are MORE THAN A HERO!! Woo hoo!
Hurray, you’re awesome! It makes a HUGE difference to me as an artist to enter the studio knowing there are a bunch of people as excited as me about getting the record finished.
Now that you’ve jumped in to the project, here is some INFO for you:
Please use the email address: for correspondence relating to the new album. That way it will be sure to come to my immediate attention, rather than getting lost in my general email account!
Estimated delivery of the album is mid to late January 2013 (digital first, CDs as soon as they are back from the manufacturing plant.) Same goes for the magazine. Dates are, of course, dependent on when we get the record done. The studio is notorious for bending time, so it could be sooner / it could be later. I’ll try to keep you updated with the release schedule, so you don’t have to worry that you missed anything.
If you contributed at the PRE-ORDER PLUS level or higher, I will be emailing you shortly to see how you’d like your name to appear in the liner notes. You can use your full name, first name, nickname, or you can dedicate your spot to somebody else… you can even call yourself “Anonymous from…”, if you prefer.
If you’re getting postcards, I’ll send the studio one out sometime in the fall. The others will show up over the next year or two. Please make sure I have your current mailing address!
Look for your name on theWebsite Wall of Awesome in the next few days. I’ll be adding it myself once I get the email from paypal confirming you have backed the album. The backstage area for supporters starts up at the end of 2012. I will be updating it with photos and stories and videos from the recording process. I’ll email you to let you know where you can find it… or I may do things as email attachments. Still figuring out the technological issues. Either way, the backstage area will start up during the next few months.
Email will be my primary method of correspondence for all things album, so please make sure I have your current email address. Also, you will probably want to put my email address into your “safe list” – so that my notes don’t go spiraling into the spam-hole.
That address again is
(You can always email me if you have any changes between now and when things are ready to go, or if you just wanna say hi and check in.)
Finally… for those of you receiving physical goodies, I will do a last address check in with you just before doing my mail out. I will want to know what name to use when signing your CDs. Look for that email in the first of the new year.
Phew! Long list. Thanks for reading. Can’t wait to share the new album with you! Till then, best regards,
PS, To leave a comment about the project, head over to Scroll down, and you’ll find the comment section!